A selection of resources to expand your knowledge


Name Description
Stephan Livera Bitcoin + Austrian Economics
Tales From The Crypt Interviews and weekly roundups
Citizen Bitcoin Interviews with Bitcoiners
What Bitcoin Did Interviews with Bitcoiners
Bitcoin Audible The latest Bitcoin articles, in audio
Bitcoin Rapid Fire Interviews with Bitcoiners
Once BITen! Interviews with Bitcoiners
Fun With Bitcoin Interviews with Bitcoiners
Noded Interviews with Bitcoiners (more technical)
Bit-Buy-Bit Interviews with Bitcoiners


Name Description
The Little Bitcoin Book Book for beginners
Inventing Bitcoin An intro to the tech behind Bitcoin
Why Buy Bitcoin? Intro to why Bitcoin is a good investment
Sovereignty Through Mathematics What makes Bitcoin special
21 Lessons The journey of a Bitcoiner
Independence Reimagined Bitcoin in the new world
Mastering Bitcoin A technical look at the workings of the protocol
Grokking Bitcoin A technical look at the workings of the protocol
The Bitcoin Standard A history of money and why Bitcoin is important
This Book Will Save You Time Bitcoin and time


Name Description
Bitcoin.org The ‘Bitcoin homepage’
Athena Alpha Trusted resources to help you buy, use and invest with Bitcoin
Bitcoin Intro Newcomer introduction guide
Bitcoin Only Your hub for all things Bitcoin
Ministry of Nodes Articles + Videos on setting up your own node
Keep it Simple Bitcoin Video guides on learning to interact with Bitcoin
Learn Me a Bitcoin How Bitcoin works
Clark Moody Dashboard If theres a Bitcoin stat you need, look no further
BTC Sessions Video Tutorials Video guides on all things Bitcoin
Nakamoto Institute Various historical Bitcoin literature
Bitcoin Magazine Online publication
The Whitepaper The original Bitcoin ‘blueprint’ by Satoshi Nakamoto